Not everyone is called to the high office of being the shepherd of the flock - Has God called you?.


Subjects By Subject Approach

Students may enrol for subjects they wish to undertake at any time in any order, either as part of a set pastoral ministry course or on their own.

Pastoral Preparation subjects - Level 1
1. Pastoral Foundation 1
2. Pastoral Foundations 2
3. Ministry of the Holy Spirit
4. Bible Study, How & Methods - OT/NT
5. Prayers & Intercessory Prayers
6. Knowing God's Voice
7. Evangelism/Discipleship
8. Mission Motivation & Outreach (Practical)
9. Confronting Crisis/Crisis Management
10. Management Objectives
11. Practical Missions 1&2
12. Church Planting
13. Stewardship & Partnership Development
14. Communication Skills (How to speak)
15. Church Finance & Governance

Pastoral Leadership subjects - Level 2
1. Leadership Skills/Team Dynamics/Timotheam Model
2. Biblical Management Principles
3. Management Objectives
4. Power Principles
5. Strategic /Spiritual Warfare
6. Worship
6. Evangelism
7. Methodology & Multiplication
8. Singles & Marriage Ministry
9. Strategy of Spiritual Harvest
10. Communities Transformation
11. Biblical Women/Role Of Women
12. Biblical Men of Faith
13. World language, Cultures & Religions
14. Homiletics (How to preach the Sermons)
15. Hospitality.

Special projects Subjects - Certificated
1. Conducting weddings/Officiating
2. Bereavement & Burial rites
3. Dispensing the Holy Communion & rites
4. Fundraising ideas
5. Conference planning & execution
6. Upon this rock-Understanding Caeseria Philippi
7. Prayer assigments.

Pastoral Leadership Practical subjects - Level 3:
1. The Homeless Ministry,
2. Street Ministry,
3. Medical Care & Outreach Ministry,
4. Counselling/Conflict Resolution Ministry,
5. Prayer Ministry,
6. Children & Childcare ministry,
7. Youth Ministry,
8. Marriage Counselling Ministry,
9. Elderly care Ministry,
10. Women's ministry,
11. Domestic Violence Ministry,
12. Drug Addiction & Rehabilitation Ministry,
13. Prison & Detention ministry & support,
14. Church logistics/Church administration,

Minimum Enrolment Age:

Must at least be age 18 can apply for any subject.
Instructor Led: Yes, with constant supervision.

Subject By Subject Admin Fee Per subject
Subject By Subject Admin fee: £35
Subject by subject Certificate fee: £15

Are you ready to study subject by subject?
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You may also send your request via email to: [email protected]